Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 12019
Country/Region: Central America Region
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Task Force for Global Health
Main Partner Program: Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $909,832

CDC/DGHA-CAR through its implementing partner Tephinet/TaskForce supports the Central American Ministries of Health with resources for key personnel, strategic information activities and support to the national HIV/AIDS laboratories. The Tephinet/Task Forces mission in Central America and Panama is to provide technical and program management expertise, coupled with collaboration skills to transform public health practice and significantly improve outcomes.

Tephinet will continue supporting an STI control for HIV prevention intervention among sex workers and MSM in Honduras, El Salvador and Panama. Tephinet will continue to support the implementation of a national system to monitor the care of patients living with HIV/AIDS is in Panama and Honduras. In Panama, this system initiated as a result of a country need request, and through the time, the National AIDS Program has taken the leadership for its implementation at a national level.

The STI control for HIV prevention intervention among sex workers and MSM (VICITS) in Honduras, El Salvador and Panama is a strategy that has been gradually transferred to each Ministry of Health. The country already started to pay the salary for some of the clinicians and lab staff and is expected to cover the 100% of personnel by the end of 2013, and the testing reagents are being purchased by the country directly.

Tephinet is also working in establishing an expert team through the implementation of Behavior Surveillance Study to monitor the epidemic behavior in the country and develop a strategy for surveillance.

Global Fund / Programmatic Engagement Questions

1. Is the Prime Partner of this mechanism also a Global Fund principal or sub-recipient, and/or does this mechanism support Global Fund grant implementation? Yes2. Is this partner also a Global Fund principal or sub-recipient? Neither3. What activities does this partner undertake to support global fund implementation or governance?

Budget Code Recipient(s) of Support Approximate Budget Brief Description of ActivitiesHVCT CHF Cooperative Housing Foundation 0 Jointly coordination to implement VICITS strategy in HondurasHVSI CHF Cooperative Housing Foundation 0 CHF: Population Size Estimation in Honduras; support in the Sistema de Information en Salud in Honduras and support in KAP studiesNational HIV AIDS Program in El Salvador: Coordination of Behavioral Surveillance Study, provision of tests, laboratory evaluation and generation of country indicatorsUNDP El Salvador: Generation of Indicators obtained from the strategic information system in VICITS

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $666,979

MoniTARV- HMIS to Monitor HIV Care. Tephinet will continue to support the implementation of a national system to monitor the care of patients living with HIV/AIDS in Panama. This support is provided to achieve the best possible health services for HIV-positive patients, especially in the provision of antiretroviral therapy. MoniTARV is a system which will provide the necessary information to monitor compliance with standards of care at the patient, clinical, and national level. The electronic software tool that is part of the information system will be developed on OpenMRSa community developed, open-source, enterprise electronic medical record system platform. Support for a national system for patients on HIV care will also be provided in Honduras.

Tephinet will facilitate the implementation of regional workshops on strategic information and will also implement a strategy to facilitate the dissemination of lessons learned and best practices including meetings, bulletins and web exchanges.

In Honduras, Tephinet will continue strengthening the MOH's national HIV surveillance and M&E systems, SISAI, and national indicators.

VICITS (Vigilancia y control de VIH, ITS y comportamiento sexual en poblaciones vulnerables HIV/STI/ surveillance and control among most at risk populations) is a comprehensive HIV and STI prevention program linked to the analysis of surveillance data in Central America. VICITS is an HIV prevention strategy that combines sexually transmitted infections (STI) diagnosis and treatment among most at risk populations, condom promotion, behavioural change and an information system to monitor the impact of the project. Tephinet assists in the control of HIV STI in most at risk populations through an information system to monitor impact of the project. The information system collects behavioral and biological information, which are key to evaluating the impact of the intervention and reporting PEPFAR indicators.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $83,213

Health systems strengthening is a cross-cutting issue for all Tephinet activities. Treatment, counseling, laboratory, and other guidelines are prepared together with National HIV Programs. This mechanism provides prevention services through public facilities, equipment, infrastructure development, and training of staff. Information systems developed either to monitor the impact of prevention interventions or to support surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation are integrated into the national health systems.

Tephinet/Taskforce will participate in second generation surveillance training courses for MOH personnel.

CDC through its implementing partner will also train health care personnel to reduce stigma and discrimination towards different groups of men who have sex with men, trans population and female sex workers. Tephinet will also promote SW and MSM attendance through peer educators and health promoters and will train staff providing services to MSM and SW in data analysis.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $159,640

Governments in the region have varying levels of service for sex workers. Often these services include medical history and behavioral risk factors interviews, physical exam, basic and sporadic laboratory screening tests, treatment and condoms. STI services are not standardized, supplies are not always available and data on services and STI prevalence has never been systematically gathered and analyzed. Currently there are no STI or Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services offered methodically for the MSM population.

Through VICITS, access and quality will be improved for STI, VCT, and referral for HIV care and risk reduction counseling at public health facilities for the MSM community. This is based on the WHO/PAHO recommendations on increasing access and quality to MSM and it addresses the push towards combination prevention.

Subpartners Total: $0
Diseno y Tecnologia SA : NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $325,000
Gender: Reducing Violence and Coercion $250,000
Human Resources for Health $75,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services